Monday, April 27, 2020

Why I Think Trump Should Resign

Why I think Trump should resign?

1. Enabling Nazi bigoted hateful racist

2. Xenophobia

3. Homophobia

4. Anti-semitic

5. Ignorant Supporters who voted for him and anything else in between! Calling the media a hoax in other news broadcasters who are just doing the news the fake news as well as the mishandling of the covid-19 pandemic calling it a democratic hoax knowing he was informed about it last year and January of this year and now realizes it's serious?! Ever since 2016 he was candidate Trump and sworn in as president for the past three years almost four years he has done nothing but stomp on the Constitution he has been impeached claimed he has not done anything wrong or else a few of Republicans as well as Democrats who support the impeachment wouldn't have impeached him in the first place! Some of his GOP members are complicit in this behavior as well knowing he's wrong and he's been impeached for life and he can not get around that! He won't show his tax returns blames Obama for who's not in the white house for his indiscretions won't take responsibility for his own actions! Ever since the covid-19 task force refuse he does on a daily basis he calls the media terrible and blasts journalist for the terrible journalism for which he doesn't know a damn thing about.

these are my reasons why I think he should resign what are your reasons why you think he should resign? Send your comments down below.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Boycott ABC Daytime Except 4 GH

Welcome Soap Fans to another awesome blog! In this blog you can discuss #AMC and #OLTL as well as #GH!
WHAT ABC did nine years ago with that old dirty rat Brian Frons was scandalously scathing sacrilegious and STUPID AS HELL!

BUT we're not going talk about that now are we? Since The Rat Network cancelled our soaps...the programs they replaced them with.. Wait for it..... DIED , CROAKED AND KICKED THE BUCKET!  #TheFABLife The Repulsion EXCUSE ME..The Revolution #TheChew AKA The Spew and countless others have went to the television graveyard because of our boycotBoycottABCDaytimeExcept4GH.blogspot.comt! I'll boycott since 2011 2012-2013 & beyond is working!

So I hope you're only not only continue to boycott ABC daytime support General Hospital only one hour of until our soaps return they don't get my support except for General Hospital! And continue to do the task provided in the new group and the other groups as well!

Why I Think Trump Should Resign

Why I think Trump should resign? 1. Enabling Nazi bigoted hateful racist 2. Xenophobia 3. Homophobia 4. Anti-semitic 5. Ignora...